natural cheese done right

At Parish Hill Creamery we educate, orchestrate, and advocate for the fermentation and transformation of raw milk into exquisite, natural cheese.
Tradition, sustainability, legacy, and community are at the center of everything we do.
what we do
We make raw milk cheese. We make cheese seasonally - only when the cows are out on the unseeded, hillside pastures that have been grazed rotationally and regeneratively for over 20 years. Our starter cultures are clabbered milk from Sonia, Helga, Clothilde, and Abigail, and have been propagated at the creamery since we started making cheese at Parish Hill.
We are the only American cheesemakers in distribution exclusively using natural methods.
who we are
Educators. Creators. Makers. Consultants. Advocates. Cheese Lovers.
We believe making natural cheese is not only possible, but inevitable. You can make cheese naturally, using traditional methods and ingredients. We can show you how.
seasonal, handmade, raw milk cheese
we make cheese by hand.
from picking up milk at the farm, to fermentation and flocculation in the vat, to hooping, salting, flipping and washing, brushing and hanging, and ultimately readying for market.
we do it all.
recognition & awards
First Place ACS 2019, First Place ACS 2016 + Good Food Awards Finalist 2016
Bronze Medal World Cheese Awards 2019 Bergamo
Bronze Medal World Cheese Awards 2019 Bergamo
Parish Hill Creamery:
Resistance Award, Slow Cheese, 2019 Bra
Parish Hill Creamery:
Slow Food Vermont, Snail of Approval
First Place ACS 2019, First Place ACS 2018,
+ Third Place ACS 2017
Vermont Herdsman:
Second Place ACS 2018 + First Place ACS 2015
Suffolk Punch:
Second Place ACS 2019 + Third Place ACS 2015