good boy, jack.

the guild of fine foods, world cheese awards

2024, portugal: this time there were 4,786 cheeses from 47 countries, and 240 judges from 40 countries. 104 cheeses were awarded super gold medals, and jack’s blue was one of 104 (of 4,786…)

i waxed a tad rhapsodic about this competition here.

exceptional. these 104 cheeses are the best in world because they are exceptional — not perfect, not closest to the standard, but exceptional.

west west tends to get the attention, and not without reason, but how lovely it was to get word that jack was judged exceptional. i agree.

not to give short shrift — reverie got the gold, first recognition from the WCA; hermit and herdsman both received bronze medals. not sniffing at any of it.


science. craft. cheese

