american cheese society 2017

My first ACS conference was 2010 in Seattle (Pete's was in 1985!)  I was representing the Vermont Cheese Council and hardly knew a soul.  A few short years later and I feel very much among friends.  My photos are somewhat lacking - so many people to talk and taste cheese with, I guess I forgot about my fone...

Here are a few highlights nonetheless.  Panel discussion on Native Cultures with Tom and Mateo.  Brad from FMA was kind enough to snap us at the pulpit.  I'll spare you the super silly ones...

I'm pretty much up to hear Pat Polowsky talk about anything, and if he says Thermometer Location Matters well then...

Jordan and Lilith did grievous injury to a block of cheddar, but for art's sake, so well worth it.  (Note: guerrilla tasting with the good people of Caputo's Salt Lake City...)

A few of the sessions we were able to attend:

  • Got Gas? Gas Defects in Cheese with an Emphasis on Late Blowing

  • Good Cheese Gone Bad

  • Demystifying the Complex World of Cheese Crystals

  • Heritage Dairy Breeds in Traditional and Modern Cheesemaking

  • Obsalim: How the animals tell you about their nutrition


Edible Vermont Feature


vermont cheesemakers' festival 2017